Easy Tips for Growing Healthy Snake Plants Indoors

Easy Tips for Growing Healthy Snake Plants Indoors

Introduction to Caring for Snake Plants

Caring for snake plants can seem daunting, but with a few simple tips you can keep them thriving for years. Here are some key things to remember when growing these popular houseplants:


  • Bright, direct light is ideal, but they tolerate lower light
  • Grow fastest and may bloom in bright light


  • Allow soil to dry out between waterings
  • Bottom water to prevent overwatering
  • Wet soil causes root rot


  • Use a well-draining soil mix
  • Add perlite or sand for drainage
  • Prevents root rot


  • Repot when rootbound
  • Use terra cotta pots or those with drainage holes

By providing the right amount of light, water, and well-draining soil, even beginners can keep snake plants healthy and thriving. With their upright sword-like leaves, snake plants add beautiful architectural interest to any indoor space.

Choosing a Healthy Snake Plant

Selecting a robust, problem-free snake plant starts with choosing the right plant at the nursery or store. Here are some tips for picking out a healthy specimen:

Inspect the Leaves

Look over the leaves carefully for any signs of issues. Healthy snake plant leaves should:

  • Be firm and sturdy, not bending or drooping
  • Have a nice green color without brown spots or marks
  • Not be mushy, wrinkled, or excessively thin

Avoid plants with brown spots or blotches on the leaves, which can indicate a fungal or bacterial infection. Mushy leaves happen when the plant is overwatered - this one is best to pass up.

Check the Base

Gently move the leaves aside to inspect the soil surface and base of the plant. Look for signs of pests like webbing, white dots, or tiny black insects. The base of the plant should not be mushy or foul-smelling.

Examine the Roots

Gently remove the plant from the pot to view the root system if possible. Look for healthy white roots without signs of rot. Dark brown and mushy roots mean the plant has root rot and should be avoided.

Choose Plants with Minimal Care Issues

Select snake plants with:

  • No visible pests or brown spots on leaves
  • No mushy or severely wrinkled leaves
  • Firm, healthy leaves that aren't drooping
  • No foul odor or mushiness at base
  • Nice white roots without rot

Plants that have been overwatered at the shop are prone to problems. Pick ones in clean pots with soil that feels moderately dry to the touch.

With these tips, you can start your snake plant ownership journey with a healthy plant that's built to thrive in your home! Proper care will keep it growing for years to come.

Proper Watering for Snake Plants

Watering properly is crucial for keeping snake plants healthy. Here are some tips on how and when to water:

Allow Soil to Dry Out

Snake plants should be allowed to dry out between waterings. As succulents, they store water in their thick leaves and don't need frequent waterings.

Feel the soil with your finger - if it feels dry 2-3 inches down, it's time to water. You can also tell by the leaves:

  • Puckered, thin leaves need water
  • Firm, plump leaves are fine

Err on letting it go a bit longer if unsure. Overwatering is worse than underwatering for these plants.

Consider Bottom Watering

Bottom watering is an excellent way to hydrate snake plants. Place the pot in a bowl of water and let the soil soak it up from the bottom drainage holes.

Benefits of bottom watering:

  • Allows the plant to take the exact amount of water it needs
  • Avoids getting the leaves wet which can cause rot
  • Lets you easily monitor when the soil is fully saturated

Remove the pot after 30 minutes - when water stops draining from the holes, it has absorbed enough.

Prevent Overwatering and Root Rot

Too much water leads to root rot, one of the main killers of snake plants. The roots suffocate under saturated soil and may turn brown and mushy. To avoid this:

  • Allow soil to dry out between waterings
  • Water less in winter when growth is slower
  • Use pots with drainage holes and well-draining soil
  • Pour out any excess water in the saucer after watering

Bottom watering helps prevent oversaturation. Check for plump, firm leaves rather than watering on a fixed schedule, which can lead to overwatering.

By properly controlling watering, you can keep your snake plant thriving for many years. Allow the soil to dry out, bottom water when needed, and take care not to oversaturate the soil.

Lighting for Snake Plants

Snake plants are quite adaptable when it comes to lighting, but providing the right amount of light is still important for their health. Here are some tips:

Thrive in Bright, Direct Light

Although they tolerate low light, snake plants really thrive when given bright, direct sunlight. Their native habitat is Africa, so they are accustomed to high light conditions.

Some ideal places to situate your snake plant:

  • Near a sunny, south-facing window
  • In a spot that gets several hours of direct sun daily
  • Under grow lights or plant lights

In low light they will survive, but have slower growth and likely won't bloom.

Can Tolerate Lower Light

Even though snake plants grow best in bright light, they can get by with surprisingly little sunlight. Some signs your plant needs more light:

  • Slow or no new growth
  • Paler leaf color
  • Leaves droop or bend over
  • Flopped over new leaves

If you don't have a perfectly bright spot, a snake plant will still survive in a corner or low sunlight room. Rotate quarterly to equalize growth.

Bright Light Promotes Growth & Blooming

The benefits of providing ample sunlight:

  • Faster growth and new leaves
  • Darker green, more vivid leaf color
  • Sturdier, upright leaves
  • Increased chance of blooms

Snake plants may produce unique white flowers on mature plants given sufficient light. For best results, provide the brightest location possible.

Optimizing light conditions by placing your snake plant in a sunny spot will lead to a healthier, faster growing plant. But even low light spots will suffice if that's all you have available.

Using Proper Soil for Snake Plants

Choosing the right potting mix is key to growing healthy snake plants. Here are some tips for selecting optimal soil:

Well-Draining Mixes Work Best

Since snake plants are succulents, they require a lightweight, well-draining soil. Standard potting mixes are too dense and moisture-retentive.

Some good options include:

  • Cactus & succulent potting mixes
  • Blends for citrus trees or palms
  • Mixing equal parts potting soil with perlite or sand

Avoid moisture-retentive peat or regular potting soil alone.

Incorporate Sand or Perlite

To ensure excellent drainage, amend regular potting mixes with:

  • Coarse sand - improves aeration and drainage
  • Perlite - lightweight volcanic rock, helps aerate soil
  • Pumice - porous stone, aerates and lightens mix

Aim for 25-50% amendments in the total volume.

Prevent Fungal Problems with Proper Soil

Dense, moisture-retentive soils lead to fungal issues like root rot. Symptoms include brown, mushy roots and yellowing leaves. Providing an appropriate fast-draining mix will prevent these problems.

Cactus and succulent soil mixes drain quickly and are less likely to become waterlogged. Well-aerated soil keeps snake plant roots healthy.

Use Customized Snake Plant Soil Mixes

Many brands now sell specially formulated snake plant soils, often called Sansevieria or Dracaena mixes. These are designed to:

  • Drain quickly to avoid overwatering
  • Be lightweight and porous
  • Resist compaction over time

Pre-mixed soils simplify getting the perfect blend for your snake plant.

Choosing a suitable quick-draining soil ensures healthy roots and prevents overwatering issues. Incorporate perlite, sand, or use cactus/succulent mixes tailored for these plants.

Repotting Snake Plants

Occasionally snake plants will need repotting to provide fresh soil and room for root growth. Here is some guidance on when and how to repot your plant:

Repot When Rootbound

The main time to repot a snake plant is when it becomes extremely rootbound. Signs your plant is rootbound:

  • Roots growing out of drainage holes
  • Slow growth
  • Plant unstable/toppling over
  • Needing frequent watering

Gently remove from the pot and inspect the roots. If they are dense, coiled, and filling the entire pot, it's time to repot into a larger container.

Choose an Appropriately Sized Pot

When repotting:

  • Select a pot only 1-2 inches wider than the current pot
  • Terracotta pots provide excellent drainage
  • Ensure pot has drainage holes to prevent overwatering

A pot that is too large can lead to overwatering and root rot due to excess moisture being retained.

Use Fresh, High-Quality Soil

  • Old, compacted soil won't provide good drainage
  • Use fresh well-draining snake plant soil
  • Cactus/succulent mixes work well
  • Incorporate perlite or sand to improve drainage

Refreshing the soil provides nutrients and improves drainage.

Steps for Repotting

Follow these steps when it's time to repot your snake plant:

  1. Carefully remove plant from current pot
  2. Gently loosen tight root ball
  3. Prune any diseased or rotting roots
  4. Place in new pot with drainage holes
  5. Fill with fresh soil mix
  6. Water thoroughly after repotting

Repotting provides a chance to inspect roots, prune as needed, refresh soil, and allow for new growth.

Propagating Snake Plants

Snake plants are one of the easiest houseplants to propagate. There are two main methods - by pups and by leaf cuttings in water.

Propagation by Pups

Snake plants produce new shoots called pups at their base which can be divided to create new plants.

Here's how to propagate pups:

  • Wait until the pup has its own set of roots
  • Gently remove from soil and separate from parent plant
  • Cut pup off with clean shears or knife
  • Pot the pup in its own container
  • Use fresh well-draining soil
  • Water gently after potting

In a few weeks the pup will establish itself and start growing.

Propagation by Leaf Cuttings

You can also propagate new snake plants from just a single leaf:

  • Cut 4-6 inches off the tip of a healthy leaf
  • Allow cut end to dry for 1-2 days
  • Place cut end down in a small container of water
  • Top of leaf should stay above water
  • Change water weekly to prevent rotting

In about 4-6 weeks, roots will begin growing from the cut end submerged in water. Once several inches of roots have grown, plant the leaf in a pot with well-draining soil. New plants will begin emerging along the leaf.

Benefits of Propagation

Propagating snake plants allows you to:

  • Create new plants easily and for free
  • Propagate rare varieties
  • Fill your home with multiple snake plants
  • Give plants away as gifts

In a few months, you can turn one plant into five or more new ones!

Snake plants are satisfying and easy to propagate using plant division or simple leaf cuttings. Give propagation a try and watch new babies emerge and grow.

Fertilizing Snake Plants

While snake plants are quite hardy, providing occasional fertilizer can help them grow and thrive. Here are some tips on fertilizing:

Fertilize Lightly

Snake plants don't have heavy fertilizer needs. Too much can burn the roots and leaves. Some guidelines:

  • Use a cactus/succulent fertilizer
  • Dilute to 1/4 or 1/2 strength
  • Fertilize every 2-3 months during spring and summer
  • Avoid fertilizing in winter when growth is slower

Choose a low nitrogen fertilizer formulated for cacti and succulents. Start with conservative amounts.

How to Fertilize

You can apply cactus fertilizer:

  • In your regular watering can - dilute and water as normal
  • Via foliar spray on the leaves
  • As a root drench by watering until it flows through the drainage holes

Always follow label directions for how much to dilute.

Signs of Fertilizer Burn

Too much fertilizer can damage snake plants. Symptoms include:

  • Brown leaf tips
  • Shriveled, dried leaves
  • Root damage
  • Slow growth

If you notice these issues, flush the soil thoroughly with clean water to remove excess fertilizer salts.

When to Fertilize

Some optimal times to fertilize your snake plant:

  • In early spring when new growth begins
  • During the active summer growing season
  • After repotting into fresh soil
  • If showing slowed growth

Avoid fertilizing in the fall and winter when plants are dormant.

Use a light hand when fertilizing snake plants - a diluted cactus fertilizer every 2-3 months is usually sufficient for healthy growth.

Additional Snake Plant Care Tips

Caring for snake plants is fairly straightforward, but here are some extra tips for keeping them healthy and thriving:

Let the Soil Dry Out

One of the most common mistakes is overwatering snake plants. As succulents, they don't need frequent watering.

Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Use your finger to test moisture a few inches down. Water only when the top 2-3 inches become dry.

Err on the side of underwatering, as it's safer than overwatering which can lead to root rot.

Provide Bright, Direct Light

Snake plants grow best in bright, direct light. A south or west facing window is ideal.

Even though they tolerate low light, more light equals:

  • Faster growth
  • More new leaves
  • Vibrant green color
  • Chance of flowering

Rotate your plant periodically if you don't have a perfectly bright spot.

Use a Well-Draining Soil Mix

To prevent overwatering issues, use a well-draining soil such as:

  • Cactus and succulent potting mix
  • Mixing regular potting soil with perlite or sand
  • Commercial snake plant soil blends

Avoid standard potting soil alone, as it holds too much moisture leading to root rot.

Let Newly Repotted Plants Recover

After repotting or dividing snake plants, allow them to recover before resuming normal watering:

  • Don't water for 5-7 days after repotting
  • Water minimally for a few weeks after
  • Give time for any root damage to heal

This helps prevent overwatering stress after being repotted.

Follow these tips for a happy, low-maintenance snake plant that thrives for years in your home!


Snake plants are iconic and popular houseplants, and with good reason - they are incredibly resilient and adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. By following a few simple care tips, these succulents can thrive for many years.

The keys to success with snake plants are:

  • Allowing the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Providing bright, direct light for best growth
  • Using a fast-draining cactus or succulent soil mix
  • Repotting only when the plant is rootbound
  • Propagating new plants from pups and leaf cuttings
  • Fertilizing lightly every 2-3 months during active growth

Avoid overwatering, and you can grow these plants even in low light spots. Their architectural, upright spear-shaped leaves add striking visual interest to any indoor space.

With their easygoing nature and sleek modern look, snake plants are the perfect low-maintenance houseplant for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Follow the care tips covered to have your snake plant continue growing healthy and strong for many years to come!

Frequently Asked Questions About Snake Plants

Snake plants are extremely popular houseplants because they are so easy to care for. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about growing these resilient plants:

How much light do snake plants need?

Snake plants grow best in bright, direct light but they can tolerate lower light conditions. Ideal lighting conditions include:

  • Near a south or west facing window
  • In a spot with direct sun several hours a day
  • Under grow lights or plant lights

In low light they will survive but have slower growth. Rotate periodically if light is uneven.

How often should I water my snake plant?

Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering snake plants again. This may mean watering only every 2-3 weeks. The most common cause of problems is overwatering.

Check soil moisture with your finger about 2 inches down. Water when the top few inches become dry. Bottom watering helps prevent oversaturation.

What kind of soil is best for snake plants?

Use a lightweight, fast-draining soil mix made for cacti and succulents. Good options include:

  • Cactus & succulent potting mix
  • Mixing regular soil with perlite or sand
  • Commercial snake plant soil blends

Avoid standard potting soil alone as it holds too much moisture.

When should I fertilize my snake plant?

Fertilize lightly every 2-3 months during spring and summer with a cactus fertilizer. Avoid fertilizing in fall/winter.

Dilute to 1/4 or 1/2 strength. Too much fertilizer can burn roots and leaves.

How do I propagate new snake plants?

Propagate by:

  • Dividing and replanting pups that form at the base
  • Putting 4-6 inch leaf cuttings in water until roots form then planting

This allows you to easily create new snake plants for free!

Why are my snake plant's leaves turning yellow?

Yellow leaves usually indicate overwatering. Allow the plant to dry out more between waterings.

If the base is mushy, trim off damaged roots and repot in fresh dry soil to recover from root rot.

Growing snake plants is easy with proper care - provide plenty of light, water only when dry, and use well-draining soil. Follow these tips for a thriving, low-maintenance houseplant.

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