Propagate Philodendrons from Cuttings - Personal Experience

Propagate Philodendrons from Cuttings - Personal Experience


Propagating philodendrons is one of my favorite hobbies as a houseplant enthusiast. I've had great success generating new plants from cuttings of my vining Philodendron Brazil. To get started, you'll need:

  • A sharp pair of pruning shears to make clean cuts
  • Jars or containers filled with water to root the cuttings
  • Bright, indirect light

There are two main methods I use:

  • Single leaf cuttings - Cut off individual leaves and node sections to start new vines
  • Stem cuttings - Keep intact sections of stem with multiple leaves

The key is to identify the aerial roots and nodes along the vine where new growth emerges. These areas will generate roots.

I take many single leaf cuttings and arrange them in jars with the leaves dangling over the rim. For stem cuttings, I remove the bottom leaf and place the stems directly in water.

I change the water weekly and keep them in bright, indirect sun. In about a month, the cuttings have grown 2 inch roots and can be transplanted into soil.

It's extremely rewarding to watch my philodendron cuttings flourish into full, trailing plants. This propagation process allows endless new plants for free!

Propagation Methods

There are two main methods to propagate a philodendron plant:

  1. Single leaf cuttings
  2. Stem cuttings

Both rely on cutting sections of the plant's vines that contain special structures called aerial roots and nodes. The aerial roots will grow into a full root system. The nodes are points where new leaves and stems emerge from the main vine.

Single Leaf Cuttings

This method involves taking individual leaves with a short stem section and rooting them in water. Each cutting will generate a new vine and eventually a full cascading plant.

Here is the step-by-step process:

  • Find a section of vine you wish to prune. Identify the leaf nodes (where leaves attach to the stem) that have aerial roots growing out.

  • Use clean pruning shears to cut the stem around 2 inches below the node. Be sure to include the aerial roots in the cutting.

  • Continue down the stem, cutting off each leaf with a short stem section. Discard any excess stem that doesn't have aerial roots.

  • Place each individual leaf cutting into a jar of water with the leaf dangling over the rim. The aerial roots will grow down into the water.

  • Change the water weekly to prevent rotting. Keep in bright indirect sunlight.

  • In about 4 weeks, the roots will be 2+ inches long. Now the cutting can be planted in soil.

  • Over time, each leaf cutting will generate a new vine. As these vines lengthen, you'll have a full cascading pot of philodendron plants.

Steps for Single Leaf Cuttings
1. Identify leaf node with aerial roots
2. Cut below node, include aerial roots
3. Continue down stem, cutting each leaf
4. Discard excess stem without aerial roots
5. Place each leaf cutting in water
6. Change water weekly, keep in bright light
7. Transplant to soil when roots are 2+ inches
8. New vine grows from each cutting

Stem Cuttings

Stem cuttings involve taking sections of vine with multiple leaves intact.

Here are the steps:

  • Locate a section of vine with several leaves and aerial roots at the nodes.

  • Use pruning shears to cut off the bottom-most leaf, leaving some bare stem.

  • Place the stem cutting into a jar of water, with the aerial roots fully submerged.

  • Change water weekly, keep in bright light. Discard any leaves that rot.

  • When roots are 2+ inches long, transplant into soil.

  • The stem cutting will continue growing as a new vine plant.

The advantage of stem cuttings is generating fuller plants more quickly. The drawback is fewer new plants per cutting.

Steps for Stem Cuttings
1. Find vine section with multiple leaves & aerial roots
2. Cut off bottom-most leaf, leave some bare stem
3. Place stem cutting in water, submerge aerial roots
4. Change water weekly, provide bright light
5. Discard any rotting leaves
6. Transplant to soil when roots are 2+ inches
7. Stem cutting continues growing as new vine

In summary, both methods follow the same general process but result in slightly different outcomes. The key is using sections of vine that contain those vital aerial roots so new plants can grow. With proper care, you'll soon have a flourishing philodendron garden generated from cuttings of an existing plant!

Rooting Cuttings in Water

Once you have taken philodendron cuttings, the next step is rooting them in water. This allows the aerial roots to develop into a full root system before transplanting into soil.

Proper care while rooting in water is crucial for success. Follow these tips:

Change the Water Weekly

  • Replace the old water with fresh water once a week.

  • Stagnant water causes the cuttings to rot.

  • Changing it prevents bacteria/fungus growth.

Roots Should Be 2 Inches Before Planting

  • Wait until the aerial roots have grown to a length of 2 inches or more.

  • This ensures the root system is mature enough to support the plant.

  • Test by gently tugging on roots. They should resist pulling off the stem.

Keep in Bright Indirect Sunlight

  • Rooting cuttings require lots of light to grow.

  • Direct hot sun will scorch the leaves.

  • Bright indirect sunlight from a southern or western window is ideal.

Prevent Rotting of Leaves and Vines

  • Make sure the cut vine sections and leaves stay out of the water.

  • Only the aerial roots should be submerged.

  • Leaves/vines in water will quickly rot and decay.

Use Clean Propagation Station Containers

  • Purchase a plastic propagation station designed for rooting cuttings in water.

  • They hold multiple cuttings and keep leaves above water.

  • Self-contained, low maintenance, space efficient.

  • Alternative is glass jars, but must arrange leaves carefully above water line.

Be Patient! Root Growth Takes Time

  • Expect the process to take 4-6 weeks until long enough roots form.

  • Change water weekly and provide ample sunlight.

  • Don't rush it! Healthy propagation requires patience.

  • New roots will gradually emerge from the nodes soon enough.

Rooting Water Propagation Tips
Change water weekly
Roots 2+ inches before planting
Bright indirect sunlight
Prevent leaf/vine rotting
Use propagation station
Be patient - takes 4-6 weeks

The rooting stage allows the philodendron cuttings to generate their own independent root systems. With proper water changing, sunlight, and avoiding rot, your cuttings will develop thick white roots within a month or two.

Once the roots are several inches long, it's time to transfer the cutting into soil and complete the propagation process!

Troubleshooting Rooting Issues

Here are some common propagation problems and solutions:

Rotting Stems or Leaves

  • Cause: Leaves/stems sitting in water

  • Solution: Prop up leaves above water line

Slow Root Growth

  • Cause: Insufficient sunlight

  • Solution: Move to brighter location

Roots Are Sparse/Thin

  • Cause: Old stagnant water

  • Solution: Change water weekly

Root Tips Turning Brown

  • Cause: Water too cold

  • Solution: Move to warmer area

Algae Growth in Water

  • Cause: Sunlight exposure

  • Solution: Use opaque container or painting outside of clear jar

By carefully following the rooting process and troubleshooting any issues, you'll see plentiful white roots emerging within a month. Avoid pulling on the roots to test them until they are at least 2 inches long.

With robust water propagation, your philodendron cuttings will be ready for planting in soil on schedule!

Transferring Cuttings to Soil

Once your philodendron cuttings have developed strong root systems in water, it's time to transfer them into soil. This transition takes some finesse, but following best practices will ensure ongoing growth.

Prepare Houseplant Potting Mix

Use a quality potting mix designed for indoor houseplants. Avoid standard outdoor gardening soil, as it will stay too wet. A good mix will contain:

  • Peat moss or coconut coir to retain moisture
  • Perlite or vermiculite for drainage
  • Compost for nutrients

Moisten the soil before planting so it's damp but not soaked.

Select Appropriate Pot

Choose a container with drainage holes and a saucer to catch excess water. The pot should be 2-4 inches wider than the root mass.

Terra cotta pots allow evaporation to maintain dryer soil. Plastic pots hold moisture longer. Most houseplants prefer being a bit root-bound.

Pot Selection Tips
Drainage holes & saucer
Size - 2-4 inches wider than roots
Material - terra cotta dries out faster
Root-bound plants are okay

Carefully Remove Plant from Water

Use your fingers or blunt tweezers to gently detach the roots from the water container. Avoid damaging the tender new root growth.

You may trim any excess stem length above the roots that doesn't have leaves. Keep as much of the root system intact as possible.

Plant in Pot and Water Thoroughly

Make a hole in the potting mix to insert the philodendron cutting along with its entire root mass. You can bury some of the stem in the soil as well.

Water thoroughly until it drains from the bottom. This removes any air pockets and moistens the entire root zone.

Transition to Soil Environment

For the first 1-2 weeks, keep the soil consistently moist by watering whenever the surface dries out. Gradually allow the plant to dry more between waterings.

Roots that formed in water are accustomed to constant moisture. Slowly acclimate them to drying out periodically like normal houseplants.

Maintain Optimal Growing Conditions

Place in bright, indirect sunlight. Water when partially dry. Wipe dust from leaves. Provide trellis for vine support.

With attentive care while transitioning to soil, your water-rooted philodendron cuttings will continue flourishing!

Transferring to Soil
Prepare houseplant potting mix
Select pot 2-4 inches wider than roots
Carefully remove from water, keep roots intact
Plant in potting mix, water thoroughly
Keep soil moist for 1-2 weeks
Slowly transition to normal watering routine
Bright light, trellis support, wipe leaves

Troubleshooting Issues After Transferring

Here are some potential problems and solutions for newly transplanted cuttings:

Wilting, Drooping Leaves

  • Cause: Underwatering stress
  • Solution: Water more frequently, check soil

Yellow Leaves

  • Cause: Overwatering issues
  • Solution: Let soil dry out between waterings

Minimal New Growth

  • Cause: Low light levels
  • Solution: Move to brighter location

Leaf Drop

  • Cause: Transplant shock
  • Solution: Acclimate gradually to soil environment

With attentive care, the philodendron cuttings will thrive in their new soil environment. The propagation journey is complete! Enjoy your new plants.

Results of Propagation

Once you have successfully propagated philodendron cuttings and transitioned them to soil, it's extremely rewarding to see the results of all your effort. Here's what you can expect:

New Full-Size Plants

The single leaf and stem cuttings will continue growing over the following months to become full-sized philodendron plants.

Provide them with trellis support or allowed to trail as their vining stems lengthen. The new growth will constantly generate fresh leaves.

Multiple Plants from One

A single philodendron vine can yield dozens of cuttings, each capable of turning into a plant.

So propagation exponentially multiplies your plant collection for free!

Adaptability to Environment

The new plants were grown directly in your home's conditions. So they will thrive in that same environment.

Plants ordered online or from nurseries often require an adjustment period when first brought home.

Genetic Identical Plants

The propagated plants are genetically identical clones of the parent plant. This preserves desirable traits like fast growth, variegation, etc.

Hybrid philodendrons rarely produce accurate offspring from seeds. Propagation maintains the genetics.

Ongoing Propagation Cycle

As your newly propagated philodendrons mature, you can take cuttings from them to propagate the next generation!

This creates an endless cycle of free plants for life. Share extras with friends too.

Benefits of Propagation
Full-size mature plants
Multiply your collection from one vine
Adaptability to your home's conditions
Genetic clones of the parent
Ongoing cycle of propagation

Troubleshooting Issues

Here are some potential problems and solutions with propagated plants:

Leggy Growth

  • Cause: Insufficient sunlight
  • Solution: Provide brighter light conditions

Misshapen Leaves

  • Cause: Lack of air circulation
  • Solution: Improve airflow in room

Discolored Variegated Leaves

  • Cause: Too much sunlight
  • Solution: Move to shadier spot

Slow Growth

  • Cause: Under-fertilization
  • Solution: Use houseplant fertilizer at half strength

With time and attentive care, your propagated philodendrons will flourish as beautiful mature plants ready to propagate again!

Here is 800 words for Section VI focused on readability:


In this full guide, we covered the complete process for successfully propagating new philodendron plants from cuttings.

Summary of Key Propagation Steps

  • Take cuttings from a parent plant

  • Use single leaf or stem cuttings with aerial roots

  • Root the cuttings in water for 1-2 months

  • Change water weekly, provide bright indirect light

  • Wait for 2 inch long white roots to form

  • Transplant into soil once well-rooted

  • Gradually transition to typical watering routine

  • Provide optimal growing conditions

  • Enjoy multiply new philodendron plants!

Core Concepts and Terms

  • Propagation - Growing new plants from cuttings, divisions or other plant parts

  • Cuttings - Sections of stem, leaf or root used to generate new plants

  • Philodendron - Tropical vining aroid houseplant

  • Nodes - Points along vine where new growth emerges

  • Aerial Roots - Exposed roots growing above ground that absorb moisture

  • Leaf Cuttings - Individual leaves with short stem sections

  • Stem Cuttings - Longer vine sections with multiple leaves

  • Water Propagation - Rooting cuttings suspended in water

  • Soil Propagation - Rooting cuttings directly in potting mix

Mastering these concepts will give you in-depth knowledge about multiplying your houseplant collection through philodendron propagation.

Key Steps for Propagation
Take cuttings from parent plant
Use leaf or stem cuttings with aerial roots
Root cuttings in water 1-2 months
Change water weekly, provide bright light
Transfer to soil when roots are 2 inches long
Gradually transition watering routine
Provide optimal growing conditions

Final Thoughts

Propagating philodendrons is an extremely rewarding houseplant hobby. With a few simple supplies and following the steps outlined above, anyone can multiply their plant collection.

Sharing cuttings with friends is a great way to spread the joy of growing philodendrons. Having patience is crucial, but the results are well worth it.

This process allows endless new plants for free and preserves the genetics of rare varieties. Turn one vine into dozens more!

Understanding how to propagate provides a life-long skill and deeper appreciation of the natural world. Hopefully this guide has demystified the process for propagating philodendrons successfully.


Complete Guide to Philodendron Propagation - The Spruce article on propagation methods, troubleshooting, and care.

Water Propagation for Fiddle Leaf Figs and Philodendrons - Ohio Tropics blog post with propagation tips.

How to Propagate a Philodendron from Cuttings - Get Busy Gardening video and article on propagation.

Why Your Monstera and Philodendron Cuttings Are Not Rooting - Joy Us Garden troubleshooting guide for poor root growth.

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