My Extensive Philodendron Plant Collection

My Extensive Philodendron Plant Collection

I. Introduction to my Philodendron Collection

I have an extensive collection of over 20 varieties of philodendron plants. These tropical plants are known for their beautiful, colorful leaves and are a great addition to any indoor plant collection.

Philodendrons are easy care houseplants that can thrive in homes and offices. They are low maintenance and tolerate low light and low humidity environments.

Some key features of philodendron plants:

  • Vining growth habit
  • Velvety and variegated leaves
  • Uniquely shaped leaves
  • Propagate easily from cuttings

My philodendron collection includes both common and rare types. Here is a table of some of the varieties featured in my collection:

Common Name Scientific Name
Heartleaf Philodendron Philodendron hederaceum
Brasil Philodendron Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil'
Micans Philodendron Philodendron micans
Pink Princess Philodendron Philodendron erubescens

I am constantly acquiring new varieties and learning how to best care for these beautiful houseplants.

II. Specific Philodendron Varieties Discussed

A. Vining Varieties

I grow several types of vining philodendrons that have long trailing stems and heart-shaped leaves.

The Philodendron micans is one of my favorites. This philodendron has velvety, deep green leaves with a touch of maroon color. It has a vining growth pattern and its stems can become quite long. An interesting thing about Philodendron micans is that it is very adaptable to different light conditions. I successfully grow it in bright indirect light as well as lower light areas of my home. Even in lower light it continues to put out new leaves. I simply make sure to supplement with grow lights. The velvety texture and rich color of Philodendron micans leaves make this a beautiful houseplant.

Another excellent vining variety I own is Philodendron brasil. This type has heart-shaped green leaves with bright yellow variegation. The yellow stripes on the deep green background create a eye-catching look. One care tip I've learned for Philodendron brasil is that it does best when the soil is allowed to dry out between watering. Too much water and overwatering can cause the leaves to quickly droop and look sad. I wait until the top several inches of soil are dry before watering again. This helps keep the foliage vibrant. Philodendron brasil appreciates some supplemental humidity as well. I sometimes mist the leaves. With its trailing stems and bright foliage, this philodendron is great in a hanging basket or on a bookshelf where the vines can spill over.

In addition to Philodendron micans and brasil, a few other vining types I own include:

  • Silver Philodendron - Green leaves with silver stripes
  • Lemon Lime Philodendron - Bright neon yellow foliage
  • Golden Pothos - Variegated leaves with yellow and white
  • Neon Pothos - Leaf has yellow, green, and white

These vining philodendrons make excellent houseplants. They can grow in hanging baskets or trail over the edges of shelves. I often propagate cuttings to share with friends and family. They root readily in water or damp soil.

Here's a quick table comparing a few key features of some popular vining philodendrons:

Variety Leaf Color Light Needs Notes
Philodendron brasil Green & yellow Medium to bright indirect Allow soil to dry out between watering
Philodendron micans Deep green with maroon tint Low to medium Tolerates a range of light conditions
Silver Philodendron Green with silver stripes Medium indirect light Beautiful trailing plant

I find vining philodendrons easy to care for as long as you allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Their flowing trailing stems and heart-shaped leaves create an exotic jungle look indoors. They are some of my favorite plants to grow!

B. Other Unique Varieties

In addition to vining types, I grow several other unique philodendron varieties including:

  • Philodendron 'Rio' - This philodendron has large, bright green leaves with striking creamy white lines radiating from the center. When I first got this plant, it was struggling a bit. The leaves were small and pale. To improve its health, I repotted it into a pot with fresh soil and moved it to a spot with bright, indirect light. Since then, the leaves have grown bigger and greener with more prominent variegation. The key for this philodendron was finding the right spot in my home.

  • Philodendron 'Pink Princess' - This variety is grown for its unique pink variegated leaves. The leaves emerge a solid blush pink and then turn green with pink spots as they mature. It's not the easiest philodendron to care for but I enjoy the challenge! Because my original plant was getting too big, I propagated some cuttings in water to start new plants. The cuttings have rooted nicely and I'll be repotting them soon. Propagating allows me to share this beautiful philodendron with friends and family too.

  • Philodendron 'Moonlight' - The bright, almost neon chartreuse foliage of this philodendron definitely catches your eye! The glowing yellow-green color is almost electric. I like to place it in a corner or bookshelf where it can provide a pop of color among other greenery. New leaves emerge from the center with a lime green color.

  • Philodendron 'Birkin' - This variety is coveted for its white stripes on glossy green leaves. No two leaves seem to be exactly the same pattern. It can be prone to browning leaf tips if the air is too dry, so I mist it regularly or use a pebble tray for added humidity. It does best in bright, indirect light. The variegation tends to fade if light is too low.

Here is a table comparing some care needs of these unique philodendron varieties:

Variety Light Water Humidity Notes
Rio Bright indirect Allow to dry out Average White variegation most vibrant in good light
Pink Princess Medium to high Allow to dry out Likes humidity Propagate to make new plants
Moonlight Medium to high Keep soil moist Average Bright color in medium to high light
Birkin Bright indirect Allow to dry out Higher humidity needed Mist leaves or use pebble tray for humidity

I really enjoy collecting rare and unique philodendron varieties. It's fun to watch these different plants grow and see how their leaf patterns and colors develop. With a little trial and error, I've learned how to provide each variety with the specific care they need to thrive indoors.

III. Caring for Philodendrons

Caring for the different philodendron varieties in my collection involves providing the right amounts of light, water, and humidity. Here are some key tips I've learned:


Most philodendrons do best in bright indirect light. Direct hot sunlight can scorch their leaves.

  • Southern or eastern facing windows are ideal in the home. Sheer curtains can help filter intense midday sun.
  • Variegated varieties like Pink Princess and Birkin need medium light or higher to maintain their colorful patterns.
  • Low light tolerant philodendrons include Brasil, Micans, and Neon. But they grow faster with more light.
  • Use artificial grow lights to supplement plants in darker spots. LED plant bulbs work well.


It's important not to overwater philodendrons as they are prone to root rot. But they shouldn't completely dry out either.

  • Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between watering for most varieties.
  • Vining philodendrons like Micans and Brasil prefer to dry out more between waterings. Their leaves will droop if overwatered.
  • Check for signs of drooping or yellowing leaves, which can indicate overwatering.
  • Water less often in winter when growth slows.
  • Use well-draining soil and pots with drainage holes.


Philodendrons prefer 40-60% humidity if possible. Lower humidity can cause browning leaf tips.

  • Use a humidifier or pebble tray near the plants.
  • Group plants together to create a moist microclimate.
  • Mist leaves frequently to increase moisture around the plants.
  • Birkin and other variegated varieties need more humidity.

Here's a table summarizing the care needs of some popular philodendrons:

Variety Light Water Humidity
Brasil Medium-high Allow to dry out more Average
Micans Low-medium Allow more dry time Average
Pink Princess Bright indirect Slightly moist Higher needed
Birkin Bright indirect Slightly moist High humidity required

With a basic understanding of philodendron care needs, these plants can thrive for years. Their resilience and lush leaves make philodendrons a joy to grow indoors!

IV. Propagating Philodendrons

One of the great things about philodendrons is how easily they can be propagated. I've had great success starting new plants from cuttings. Here are some tips for propagating philodendrons:

Taking Cuttings

The first step is selecting a healthy "mother plant" and taking cuttings:

  • Take 3-6 inch stem tip cuttings that include a few leaves.
  • Use a clean, sharp knife or scissors to make the cuts.
  • Avoid taking too many cuttings from the same plant.
  • Variegated varieties like Brasil and Birkin propagate best.

Rooting Methods

There are a couple ways to root philodendron cuttings:


  • Place cuttings in a jar of clean water.
  • Change water every few days.
  • Roots will sprout from the stem nodes within a few weeks.


  • Use a well-draining potting mix.
  • Insert stems into the soil.
  • Cover the pot with a plastic bag to increase humidity.
  • Keep soil moist but not soaked.
  • Roots should develop within 4-6 weeks.

I've had the most success rooting in water. It's fun to watch the root nubs emerging!

Potting Up

Once cuttings have an established root system about 2-3 inches long, they are ready to be potted up.

  • Use a well-draining soil and add extra perlite for aeration.
  • Choose a pot with drainage holes and that's 1-2 inches larger than the nursery pot.
  • Remove any dead or damaged leaves before replanting.
  • Water thoroughly after repotting and let excess water drain out.

With proper care, propagated philodendron plants can grow to maturity in about 2-3 years. It's very rewarding growing new plants from just simple cuttings.

My Experiences

I've propagated several philodendrons like Pink Princess, Brasil, and Micans. Here are some notes from my experiences:

  • Started 5 Pink Princess cuttings in water - all eventually rooted and were potted up successfully.
  • Took 10 Brasil cuttings - about 7 rooted but a few stems rotted in water.
  • Find it's best to change water every 4-5 days to avoid stem rot.
  • Use of rooting hormone can speed up the process.
  • Patience is required as roots take time to grow!

Propagating philodendrons allows me to create new plants to expand my collection. It's also an easy way to share these beautiful plants with others!

V. Using Philodendrons in the Home

With their tropical look and versatility, philodendrons make excellent houseplants. Here are some ways I incorporate them in my indoor space:

Statement Pieces

Large philodendron varieties like Pink Princess, Monstera, and Split Leaf can be used as focal points and statement pieces in a room.

  • Their big, bold leaves immediately grab attention.
  • Place in a prominent spot where the unique foliage can shine.
  • Allow sufficient space for the plant to grow and trail.
  • Rotate occasionally to showcase from all angles.

I also love combining 3-5 smaller philodendrons in a large basket arrangement. The variety of leaf shapes and colors makes a striking display.

Vertical Gardens

Many vining philodendrons can be grown vertically on a moss pole or trellis.

  • Secure the main stem near the top and train additional offshoots to climb upwards.
  • Water often to promote growth. They may grow up to 12 inches per year!
  • Brasil and Silver Leaf philodendrons look great on vertical structures.
  • Creates a living green wall or plant "curtain" indoors.

You can also grow philodendrons up a decorative pole to create the look of a small indoor tree.

Low Maintenance

Compared to many other houseplants, most philodendrons are lower maintenance. Benefits include:

  • Tolerant of low humidity environments.
  • Can survive periods of neglect if needed.
  • Not as prone to pests like spider mites.
  • Forgiving if occassionally underwatered or overwatered.
  • Leaves collect less dust than fuzzy-leafed plants.

Their resilience makes philodendrons excellent for beginner or busy plant parents. Set them in a spot with decent light and don't fuss over them too much!

Diverse Lighting Needs

There are philodendron varieties suited to nearly any light level:

  • Low light - Emerald, Neon, Brasil
  • Medium light - Prince of Orange, Moonlight
  • Bright indirect light - Pink Princess, Birkin

Having plants that thrive in different lighting allows flexibility in where I place them in my house. I can fill shady and sunny spots!

With proper care, philodendrons can remain healthy houseplants for many years. They lend tropical flair whether grown solitary or grouped together.

VI. My Experiences and Enthusiasm

I absolutely love collecting and caring for new philodendron varieties. Here's a bit about my personal journey with these plants:

Acquiring Varieties

One of my favorite hobbies is visiting local nurseries and greenhouses to discover new philodendron types to add to my collection.

Some ways I acquire new varieties:

  • Check nurseries regularly to see what's new in stock. I've found rare gems like Pink Princess and Prince of Orange this way.
  • Attend plant sales and swap meets to find mature philodendrons at good prices.
  • Order starter plants online from reputable sellers.
  • Trade cuttings with friends. This allows us both to gain new varieties!

Expanding my collection over time has allowed me to own a diverse range of philodendrons with different styles and care needs.

Sharing with Family

Once my philodendrons mature and fill out, I enjoy being able to share these gorgeous plants with family.

Ways I've shared:

  • Given cuttings from my Pink Princess and Brasil to start new plants.
  • Shared tips on care and propagation with relatives new to philodendrons.
  • Sent mature plants as birthday gifts. It's more meaningful than just buying a new plant from a store.
  • Lent books on philodendron care for relatives to use as a reference.
  • Exchanged photos of how our philodendrons are growing.

Nurturing and spreading my philodendron collection with loved ones is very rewarding.

Hunting for Rare Varieties

Beyond the more common types sold everywhere, I enjoy the hunt for truly unique and rare philodendron varieties.

Some ways I stay on the lookout:

  • Check newly listed philodendrons for sale online and in catalogs.
  • Visit specialty nurseries that carry exotic plants.
  • Talk to other plant collectors to find out what's new and hard-to-find.
  • Research rare varieties then call stores to ask if they have any in stock.
  • Look for new hybrids and cultivars being developed.

Though challenging, finding a rare philodendron variety I've long admired makes the search worthwhile!

Continuous Learning

Even as an experienced plant hobbyist, I'm still learning new things about philodendrons all the time.

I stay up-to-date by:

  • Reading books, magazines, and online articles about philodendron care.
  • Joining online plant forums to exchange tips with other enthusiasts.
  • Experimenting with different soil mixes and lighting conditions.
  • Paying close attention to each plant's needs and quirks.
  • Taking detailed notes on watering schedules, growth rates, etc.

The diversity of the philodendron genus means there's always something new to explore. I enjoy being a lifelong learner!

My passion for philodendrons continues to grow. I can't wait to see what my collection looks like in another 5-10 years!

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, philodendrons make excellent indoor plants and are a wonderful addition to any plant collection. Here are some key reasons I love growing philodendrons:

Beautiful and Diverse Leaves

The number one reason I'm drawn to philodendrons are their gorgeous leaves.

  • Heart-shaped leaves are iconic and tropical looking.
  • Variegated varieties have vivid stripes and splashes of color.
  • Leaf shapes and textures vary widely, from broad and ruffled to slender and smooth.
  • New leaf growth is constantly unfolding, keeping the plant evolving.

There are over 400 species of philodendron to appreciate!

Easy to Care For

Compared to many houseplants, most philodendrons are relatively easy going when it comes to care.


  • They adapt well to the warmer and drier conditions inside most homes.
  • Are forgiving if you occasionally miss a watering or move them to a new spot.
  • Don't need pruning or excessive fertilizing to thrive.
  • Provide you take reasonable care, they will reward you with vigorous growth.

These low maintenance qualities make philodendrons a great choice for beginners.

Fun to Propagate

I really enjoy propagating philodendrons from stem cuttings or divisions. It's satisfying growing new plants for free!

Benefits of propagation:

  • Can clone your favorite varieties to expand your collection.
  • Gives you baby plants to swap or gift to other plant lovers.
  • Allows you to recycle trimmings rather than throwing them away.
  • Produces full, lush plants much faster than growing from seed.

Propagating is also a great learning process for understanding a plant's structure and needs.

Endless Variety

With hundreds of unique philodendron species and cultivars to discover, there's always a new variety to add to your collection.

I love:

  • Tracking down rare finds like the Pink Princess.
  • Comparing the different leaf shapes and growth habits.
  • Learning the specific care needs of each type.
  • Watching how their characteristics develop as the plants mature.

Growing philodendrons keeps me learning as a plant hobbyist. They bring me joy for years to come!


Philodendrons: Care and Growing Guide

This article from The Spruce provides an overview of philodendron care including propagation, light and watering needs, and how to address common issues. It has details on both climbing and non-climbing varieties.

How to Grow Philodendron

From Gardening Know How, this guide covers choosing a philodendron, light and water requirements, proper potting, and propagation through divisions and cuttings. It includes tips on getting philodendrons to thrive indoors.

Types of Philodendrons

Smart Garden Guide showcases different philodendron types with pictures and brief descriptions. They categorize them into vining, bushy, and unusual varieties. It's a helpful visual reference.

How to Care for a Philodendron

The Old Farmer's Almanac covers philodendron water, light, and fertilizer needs. It provides troubleshooting tips for leaf issues. There is also a listing of ideal temperature and humidity ranges.

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